
Equifax Risk Capacity Index

Help reduce risk while responsibly expanding your lending capacity

Managing risk with clear insights into customer history

Risk management involves moving and evolving pieces. Capturing changes and adjusting strategies accordingly is challenging. Miss one and you risk mismeasurement or over extension of credit.

Help manage your risk and overall consumer debt potential with the Equifax Risk Capacity Index™. This first-of-its-kind, logic-based tool gives you a better understanding of your customer’s monthly credit capacity. It utilizes 12 months of trended payment history from credit cards, installment loans, revolving lines, and mortgages to determine a customer’s ability to manage current and future credit. 

Leverage consumer credit information and payment history with responsible lending practices

Gain the insight you need to make better, more well informed decisions regarding extending credit without compromising on existing credit performance. Our advanced data also helps you drive growth in key areas

Credit line evaluation 

Proactively manage credit limits, increasing or decreasing where necessary, of current lines of credit based on payment history and usage.

Customizable offers

Create individualized offers for customers dependent on forecasted credit capacity, including pre-approved credit cards, lines of credit, mortgages, auto loans and more. 

Inform cross-sell and upsell strategies

Help determine a customer’s additional spending capacity by leveraging 12 months of payment and spending history. Rank customers by their affordability to take on more debt and target offers accordingly.

Proactive collections efforts 

Identify near delinquent accounts and proactively tailor debt consolidation offers to reduce portfolio risk.

Our innovative analytical tool can help you manage your portfolio risks while supporting responsible lending practices.

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Let’s talk about how the Equifax Risk Capacity Index can help you lower portfolio risk and reduce future revenue loss.

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Let’s talk about how the Equifax Risk Capacity Index can help you lower portfolio risk and reduce future revenue loss.